Well, I can see you are a little curious so I am going to tell you a little about The Sunday Roast.
It is an interview column founded by David McMahon on 3rd February 2008.
Originally it asked just serious questions but some humour permeated through into some answers by the more extrovert roastees.
David asked me if I would continue the feature when he took a break from blogging in Oct 2009 and I have been Marinating, Skewering and Roasting people ever since. They just love it!! LOL
The main purpose of The Sunday Roast is to enable bloggers to get to know each other a little better, and sometimes very well. It encourages people to read your work and to comment . . . and, yes, to follow your blog. Just look on me as a match maker in your life! LOL
We have some fun getting the interviews together with the humorous questions and interface with some light hearted banter, which the readers love, but there are some serious questions as well, which gives the interview a very well balanced flavour.
Now are you hooked, aren't you? Good, because I think you would make an ideal candidate for the Sunday Roast. Everyone in BlogLand is a valued blogger and has a valuable point of view with unique skills.
So sign up now and as a reward I will give you the password to leave this place called Socrates' Soliloquies and be transported by magic back to Clouds and Silvery Linings from which you will see your escape route.
But you don't want to escape do you? LOL
My email is:
WRITE TO ME and I will send you ALL THE SUNDAY ROAST DETAILS free of charge. Just say Socrates invited you and I'll know from whence you came.
OR Leave a comment BEGGING ME for a piece of this action.
I expect to see a zillion comments here by tomorrow morning LOL
There have been some great people amongst the 140 bloggers interviewed by David or myself and I think you should be numbered amongst them. David did 84 Roasts and Yours Truly has done the rest. I have listed ALL roasts a linked them to their relevant Roast Posts, HERE .
Do not be modest - join this elite band of bloggers who hold their heads high in BlogLand. My press gang agrees with me entirely and INSISTS that you WILL board this ship. LOL
I am introducing also The Sunday Roast Supplement, called The Sunday Re-Roast, which gets previously roasted bloggers, who feel they are safe, off their backsides so they can answer my new questions. I will be writing to them all to invite them onto the show again and the queues have already started for them to feature - so BOOK early!.
So you want to get out, do you? ONLY IF YOU LET ME ROAST YOU!!!
OK Press HERE to escape - Now you really want to be roasted don't you! Well don't you?
So why not see the questions?
To do so please press HERE